A Munchausen Mom in Australia forced her twin boys to read CRAZY statements about her ex-husband for a "revenge video". These disturbing videos were posted to a website belonging to Melissa Williams-Brown https://melissawilliamsbrown.com Melissa Williams-Brown is a 52 year-old, twice-divorced woman currently married to Glenn Jonathan Brown and living in Adelaide, South Australia. Google searches reveal she has previously lied about earning a degree from George Washington University and is the subject of multiple fraud investigations being conducted by the South Australian Police (SAPOL). The videos were embedded in a 20-page rant about 'drug addicted cyberstalkers' and were reposted widely across many social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA), also known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP), is a condition in which a caregiver creates the appearance of health problems in another person, ...
Melissa Williams-Brown Faked a College Degree Many people lie about their education on a CV and even to potential employers. Others, like Melissa Williams-Brown of Adelaide South Australia, go to extreme measures to fake a college degree they never had. Note: Readers may remember Melissa from her " paranoid tot mom videos " she posted to her social media in 2017. The self-described "photographer, cybersecurity expert and licensed pilot" claimed to hold degrees from George Washington University in articles announcing nuptials to third husband, Glenn Jonathan Brown - an accountant with PwC Australia. Melissa Williams-Brown made the false claims in several newspapers including the Los Angeles Times and Irvine World News . When questions about her past arose, officials from George Washington University issued statements saying they have "no record of Melissa Williams-Brown" and "her claims are false - she was never a student at this institution."...